With property prices at an at an all-time high in some locations, it’s understandable that one might assume that land value is increasing in line with the value of housing, however this is not always the case. In this blog we take a look at the method for valuing land to help you understand the reality of what to expect from your land valuation. When landowners approach us, there can often be an unrealistic expectation relating to the perceived value of their land. The recurring misconception is that the land is worth is in direct correlation with the current property market but the reality is more complex. The process of land valuations...
Category: Selling Land
Land Market’s Guide To Development: Wildlife and Trees
When it come to developing land, environmental and ecological factors have a huge bearing on whether a proposal will be granted. When seeking to obtain planning permission your site will be subject to numerous assessments to analyse these factors and ultimately determine its eligibility. When granting permission for development the local authorities have a duty to protect important habitats, wildlife and trees. Ecology Reports An ecology report will consider whether any wildlife or important habitats could be harmed in the building process, or if there are any legally protected species living on your site. When there is a likelihood that a planned development could have an impact on protected wildlife planning...
Land Market’s Guide to Development: Planning Permission
Here at Land Market we are experts when it comes to buying and selling land for development. Whether you’re looking to develop land yourself or sell a plot for development you will need to begin by looking into your sites potential for being granted planning permission… Planning permission is the required consent by the local authorities that allows you to be able to build on land or alter pre-existing buildings. If you are planning to develop any type of land obtaining planning permission is the first essential step to your build. This is an extensive process which consists of numerous steps and although it is possible for anyone to apply...
Land Market Guide To Development: Access
Applying for planning permission is a lengthy process, which can mean that it could potentially be years that your land is going unused for before development. During a period of dormancy, it is important that access to your land is restricted. Issues surrounding land usage rights can potentially have a detrimental impact on your application, therefore it is vital to take steps to protect your land. Depending on the type of land, different issues will be more of a risk, for example it’s unlikely a Brownfield site would be subject to a village green claim, however on an urban site there may be a greater chance of fly-tipping than there would be on Greenfield land. No matter what...
Selling your Land with Land Market
Do you have land you think has development potential but don’t know where to begin with obtaining planning permission? Are you worried about making the wrong decision when it comes to selling your land? Let us guide you through the basics of selling your land with Land Market… With all manner of environmental and financial factors to consider, getting planning permission for your land is without doubt a complicated process. The type of planning permission sought not only influences the value of the land, but its ultimate saleability. It is therefore vital to understand the entire process from start to finish to ensure the correct decisions are made every step...